The Redfeather Mountain Lakes Association produced a promotional brochure in the early 1900’s (exact date is not available) telling the legend of Redfeather…
Story of “Redfeather” – Romantic Cherokee Chief
“Many moons ago in the gentle Southland, where young Redfeather wooed his Cherokee sweetheart, the Great Spirit appeared in a vision and revealed the whereabouts of a veritable Fishing and Hunting Paradise, hidden from the covetous eyes of mortals, far toward the North Star in the home of the Bear, the Beaver and the Buffalo. “Go, Redfeather,” he commanded, “take the trail to the sunset that winds up into the clouds. There you will find golden sunshine, laughing waters filed with fishes and emerald forests crowded with game.” The vision was gloriously fulfilled. The Mountain Lakes Empire was claimed for the Cherokees by Redfeather, who was then made chief. So even to this day, courier winds carry a message promising reward to those who follow the trail of Redfeather.”
The brochure promotes the area as “Colorado’s Finest Playground” hoping to spur development and home sales. The brochure states the wonders of Redfeather…
“Redfeather Lakes playgrounds consists of over 6,000 acres of regal mountain nature sweeping from lighted up patches by the silvery sheen of quaking aspen groves; broad, undulating meadows covered with gorgeous wild flowers, varying from the most delicately tinted to the most barbaric colored types; gigantic piles of multi-colored, castellated rocks in awesome formation; lovely, azure skies holding the mystery of the ages; rarified air of incredible clarity; babbling brooks that tumble their ways through hills and dales; golden sunshine, more glorious in Colorado than anywhere on earth, and in the distance, the empurpled mountains, their glistening, snow-capped peaks piercing the floating clouds – THAT is the enchanted setting of Redfeather Lakes.”
The full text of the brochure is available for download (pdf) where the legend is fully described along with the splendors of living and playing in Red Feather Lakes.
The brochure is also reproduced in image format below: