On July 18, 2012, the Historical Society went on a local Dendrochronology & Culturally Modified Tree Talk & Tour, led by Marcy Reiser, Archaeologist with Arapaho & Roosevelt National Forests. Earlier on the same day, the Historical Society toured Lady Moon Ranch. Read more about that tour here. Or view the description for both tours here (pdf).

The Dendrochronology & Culturally Modified Tree Talk & Tour included driving to the old Lady Moon Trailhead and walking (approximately .9 miles) to view a number of culturally modified trees (CMTs) in the area, and also viewed other historic ruins.

The Forest Service have dated a number of culturally modified trees (CMTs)—both historic and protohistoric—in the area, including several “peeled trees.” Peeled Trees generally refers to trees where a portion of the bark/cambium layer was removed by Native peoples for a variety of reasons including procurement of food and medicine, territorial markings and ceremonial practices. The CMTs in this area date between 1635 and 1874.