The community celebrated the 100 year anniversary of Red Feather Lakes in 2023. This page records the many events that happened.
Written Stories
- Colleen Conry
- Steve Standring
- Carol Brennan
- Dave White
- more to be added
A drawing was held on September 12.
- Winner of the Quilt: Ruthie Gohl
- Winner of the Poster: Susan Alexander

Tours and Hikes
- June 21: Fox Acres, Swanson Ranch, CCC Camp
- June 23: Heart Rock Hike
- July 19: Historic RFL Driving Tour
- August 16: Parvin Lake, Log Cabin, Boy Scout Ranch, & Manhattan
- September 8: The Meadow Tour
- September 16: History of Glacier View
- July 15: Water of RFL
- August 5: I Remember When
Click here to view the recordings - August 12: Historic Women of RFL
Red Feather Lakes Aire
The task and the challenge of poetry, and music, is to start with imagery and condense it into phrases that capture the emotion these evoke. When we listened to people of the Red Feather Lakes Community speak about their mountain home, these are the images they mentioned repeatedly. The other element that surfaced again and again was the kindness and generosity of the people here. That is your role in this concert premiere and viewings of the event. This composition was made possible through the open-handed donations of the community, both individual donations and sponsorships from groups. The music and the poetry don’t come to life until they are heard. Enjoy your “Red Feather Lakes Aire”.
September 21, 2023 at Chapel of the Pines. Vocals by Melody Pickett, piano by David Wahl, violin by …, and flute by ….
On December 10, 2023 at Chapel of the Pines. Vocals by Melody Pickett and piano by ..
Click here for the lyrics.
The Greening Holiday Craft Fair
December 2: The Greening Holiday Craft Fair. In the Red Feather Lakes Village. An event for the whole family.
- Cut your own tree in the area
- Pick up those special gifts , stocking stuffers, and decorations
- Bake Sale, Food & drinks
- Book Sale, Children’s Craft table and Santa at the Library